K9 Thunder

K9 Thunder

  • K9 자주포
  • K9 자주포

The K9 Thunder is a world-class 155mm self-propelled howitzer with superior firing range, reactivity, maneuverability, and survivability that was developed to suit the 21st century battlefield environments.

The K9 SPH has the capability of rapid fire (6 rounds/min) for a range of 40 km, using its 52caliber main gun, navigation system, flick rammer, and automatic fire control system. In addition, the K9 vehicle is fitted with a 1,000hp power pack and hydropneumatic suspension unit to ensure superior mobility.


The K9 SPH with its shoot and scoot capability has been exported to various countries such as Turkey, Finland, Poland, and India, and the contract negotiations with other countries are in progress as its performance and price value has been recognized worldwide.

  • K9 자주포