Defense Technology Transfer and Commercialization

ADD is contributing to the national economy through commercialization and transfer of defense technology to civil companies.

Defense Technology Transfer and Commercialization

  • Defense patent management
    (450 case per year)

  • Promising technology discovery

  • Technology briefing session/
    Technology discussion/ Performance exhibition

  • Technology transfer

 Example Cases
업체명, 아이쓰리시스템(주), (주)아이블포토닉스
Company Name I3System Corp. IBULE Photonix Corp.
Product Name Surveillance camera High performance non-destructive ultrasonic sensor
Transferred Technology Name Infrared detector technology Piezoelectric single crystal applied ultrasonic sensor technology
Performance -Growing as the No.1 domestic company with annual sales of about 70 billion won -Completed joint development with Fraunhofer Research Institute (German)
-Re-exported Ultrasonic Probes to GE and GEMENSE